Yarn Scarves

Oh, fall weather…..how we miss your cool breezes and rainy days!  Summer has been great to us, but enough with the hot, sticky weather.  Just the other day, we were chatting on the phone about the beauty of fall.  It’s invigorating, energizing, and we even seem to breathe better!  Fall is like another spring for us….it brings newness to our world and everything seems to be perfect this time of year.  Our individual collections of scarves could quite possibly put a clown’s show to shame.  We’ve both cut back on shopping since we seem to pass our things back and forth a few times before they end up in the donation bag (tell that to 13 year old Ingrid and 15 year old Lucy and they’d never believe it!)  On a random trip to Fredericksburg, Texas, we stopped into a boutique to browse.  We spotted a gorgeous yarn scarf—price tag: $40.  Immediate sister reaction: we can totally make these.  So we did. Now, please hurry, fall, we want to show you our new accessories!

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Ingrid & Lucy